Connecting You To What Matters Most


Things can be different.

When I started down this path of personal growth and self-discovery little did I know that healing, listening to my heart, feeling whole and complete, and really experiencing all life has to offer would be the result.  You see prior to my journey, I felt empty, alone (even though I was married with a family) and exhausted, like I was running on a tread mill just trying to keep up. My mind however told me that if I just worked harder, faster, focused more, did more, then I would be able to achieve what I wanted and be happy and successful. Yup, and that thinking lead to me being packaged out of my job and faced with a major illness.  The silver lining was that this opportunity allowed me to stop, evaluate what was important and decide what I truly desired. Instead of always looking externally for validation, I was able to look inside, make me a priority, care for myself, forgive and receive.

Human beings are amazing creatures. We are actually comprised of mental, emotional, physical and spiritual bodies. And when we allow one, two, three or four (as I did) of these aspects of ourselves to get out of balance or out of alignment, it impacts us in different ways such as:

  • Mentally with negative self-talk, judgement and expectations;
  • Emotionally where we may erupt in anger or frustration over the smallest thing, or we may not even feel our emotions;
  • Physically with aches and pains or even illness, and
  • Spiritually where we feel disconnected and alone.
  • We can lose clarity, focus, feel chaotic and not even see the possibilities and choices that are right in front of us.

Today I love my life, wrinkles and all.  I’ve created a relationship with myself, learned to be vulnerable which has strengthened my relationship with my husband, kids, parents and built a new network of amazing friends. I am passionate about my coaching business where I get to witness amazing shifts, new awareness’s and aha’s that light up my clients’ faces and lives and have this amazing ripple effect. I have renewed gratitude and awe for mother earth and her magnificent beauty that is all around us. 

If you are ready to step into life and actually experience your life and what you desire, I invite you to connect with me. I’d be honoured to have a conversation with you.

Jackie Galvin, Founder and Coach

Board Designated NLP Master Practitioner and Coach, Certified Hypnotherapist, Time Line Therapy™ Practitioner, Master Teacher of Magnified Healing®

Jackie also holds an Honors Business Administration (HBA), from the Richard Ivey School of Business, The University of Western Ontario.


What others are saying about Jackie Galvin

Before I worked with Jackie Galvin, I was feeling stuck in my business and in my life. With her expert guidance I experienced the breakthrough I needed to get unstuck. Jackie led me through the process with compassion, and a razor like focus, drawing out what was keeping me stuck and facilitating the resolution of the problems. She also facilitated my setting of new goals with a plan on how to achieve them and by when.

I would recommend Jackie to anyone who is looking for a breakthrough in any aspect of their life including business and relationships. She can help you get to the root of the problem and to find clarity to create a new future.


Lynn Mitanoff
Newmarket, ON

Coaching with Jackie Galvin has given me a new lease on calm!!! Before I started coaching with Jackie, I felt like I had to make every decision alone, but I learned that as I shared my truth with her, that I was able to feel a deeper sense of balance and trust within myself. Her intuition guides me to find my answers from within.

What I really love is when I need a resource or tool, Jackie always has been able to direct me to that place of empowerment.

I feel at ease with her and have charted my growth with things I wanted to change. I highly recommend Jackie’s services for those who are willing to take themselves on!


Jodi Freedman
Las Vegas, NV

The most important things in my life are joy, accomplishment, growth and contribution. Before I worked with Jackie Galvin, I had plateaued. I wanted to go to a higher level, but I was stuck. I had reached my known limits.

While I worked with Jackie, I came to see how I could break through them, and not through struggle and sacrifice, but with balance and power and quiet assurance.

Now I am once again energized and excited about what lies ahead as I continue on my journey to empower myself, those I love and the world around me.


Peter Cook
Toronto, ON


The journey to reconnecting with yourself, loving yourself and others and experiencing all that life has to offer is all part of the amazing experiences I’ve learned along the way on my journey.

I’m honoured and grateful to support women (and men) to:

  • Discover new perspectives and challenge current beliefs and habits
  • Uncover new choices and possibilities
  • Find themselves so they can love themselves and others
  • Grow and love life again.

One-on-One Coaching 

Goal Setting

If you find life just keeps happening TO you and not FOR you, perhaps it is time to get serious about what you really want in your life. If you need a little guidance on how to create what you truly want to attract in your life, these sessions might be just the place to start.


Focused Personal Break Through

If you want change in your relationships, career or health & fitness, consider the Personal Break Through. I support you to create awareness about the patterns, negative self-talk and limiting beliefs that hold you back, so that you can begin to move towards what you desire so you can live the life you imagine.

Monthly Coaching

If you have a more on-going or lengthy goal and want support as you achieve that goal, then you may be looking for the monthly coaching package which includes a personal break-through and also gives you the ongoing accountability and monthly check points for six months or one year.
Ready to Take the Next Step?
Jackie Galvin
Connection Coach | Facilitator | Motivator


Ready to invest in YOU and take your life to the next level?

Let’s connect soon.

Jackie Galvin Coaching

Toronto, ON

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